By: Abrar Khan

5 Cool Galaxy S24 Ultra Customization 


The 5 cool Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra customizations, from wallpaper to always on display, always on display and more.

The lock screen got a big update. Now you can add widgets there, but you can also apply effects like oil painting to a photo and put it in a frame to make a cute lock string wallpaper.

1. Lock Screen

Now you can also generate a wallpaper using AI on Galaxy S23 Ultra. You can choose the style, customize a prompt, and then it'll generate Wallpaper.

2. Ai Wallpaper Generation

Third is the new, always-on display. Now it can be a dim version of the lock screen, so you can still see the wallpaper and all of the widgets.

3. Always on display

Fourth is the Keys Cafe app, which lets you change the style and backlights of the Samsung keyboard. And the keyboard can also help you change your writing style with AI.

4. Keys Cafe App

And last, there are the new widgets, like a shortcut to a specific camera mode. There's also the new weather insights widget, which is super detailed.

5. New Widgets